Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pigs Fly in 2012

If I could only…

Just sneeze without peeing a little

Just toss a tata in the crib with her and go back to sleep

Just toss my bladder in the bathroom and go back to sleep

Get full after eating a salad or veggies

Make eyes at my hubby and pretend he didn’t just snore

Get the cat to scoop her own box

Get the cat to pick up her own surprise carpet truffles

Bypass my evil, growling tummy when baby’s sleeping

Punch a dentist

Punch Arizona

Have an R2 unit that cleans

Get all the guys to use toenail clippers

Not forget to smile

Shut up about not having something

Put all the babies in good hands and good homes

Let my seven month old teach me more than I’m trying to teach her

Not judge (the bad way)… ever

Not forget to shave BOTH legs

Get my mother to truly know that all my good came from her

Never lose patience

Trust everyone to do the right thing

Trust myself to always do the right thing

….If only…

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