Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Four Days Before You Were Born

To my Norah.

Aug. 20, 2011.

Hello my baby. I am so excited to get to know you, to see your exquisite face. I can’t wait to watch you grow. I wonder what your favorite things are going to be, what your laugh is going to sound like, how your lovely smile is going to make us feel, what you’ll look like when you sleep, how you’ll play, how you’ll react to your kitty, even what your cries will sound like. I can’t wait to be the reason for your giggles, to have you fall asleep in my arms, to watch you with your daddy. I’m already so madly in love with you my Norah. Each day that love’s going to grow so much and I can’t anywhere near imagine. My life will never be the same—I am so happy for you to come in and change it. Will you be here in a few days? Will you look up into my eyes? Will you understand my tears when your tiny body is against my chest? Will somehow you know that the whole world has vanished away to your daddy and I and that your breath and your warmth and your presence has filled us with relief and joy? You are perfect my Norah. I can’t wait. I can’t wait for you to be born.

March 27, 2012

As my daughter has been created in the image of me, half of her chromosomes my own, her genes absorbing my likeness, my lifeness...I am in absolute awe. I have seen with my own eyes, felt with my own arms, heard with my ears...loved with near hurt. She is evidence. She could never be completely me, just as I could never be completely Him. But I AM created in His likeness, with HIS life. She is proof. She is perfection to me. And to Him, we are perfection. She is why I exist. I raise her up to Him. "Papa, look what I made!" Thank you, my Papa. You have given every gift. You have given Life.

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