Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Peril On

I am in my car, eating a sandwich, middle of the day, baby in the backseat. I am rockin’ the Halo 2 soundtrack. For some reason I am really paying attention to this sandwich. Prairie sweet wheat. Roasted turkey with a paprika and pepper rub. Red greens, mayo, deli mustard, provolone, alfalfa sprouts. The kind of paying attention you do when you are really hungry and this thing surprises you with deliciousness. The kind of paying attention you do when epic music fills the small space of your car. It nourishes my hungry bones immediately.

Sandwich in hand, I am transported. It is just before dawn, light on the horizon, cool chill, foggy mist rising from the warm soil. My sandwich has a glowing sparkle, its brilliance catches my eye and I watch it. To my delight, and calm astonishment, it becomes a bow. So light in my hand, brilliant carvings in the rich, deep wood. I graze my thumb across the smoothness. I am distracted from the flawless craftsmanship by my nose—I am enveloped in a warm, earthy, vibrant aroma. Though I feel it before my eyes fall upon it, through the mist, I begin to focus on the towering pines surrounding me. I am in a forest. I have a mission. I gaze again at the bow in my left hand. I feel the slight weight across my shoulder, a leather strap binds my arrows to my back. I crouch down, looking to my left, to my right. I begin my journey to find what I am looking for. Moving slow, smoothly, at first, silent, prepared. I feel my heart elevate its rhythm and I move. I let my senses guide me, moving through the mist, crouched low, bare feet sinking slightly with each step into the moist soil. Forward. Forward. Silent. My right hand moves stealthily over my shoulder. I feel the thin, smooth, sturdy shaft of my arrow, pull it forward. Here I become the arrow, feeling purpose, feeling my path, prepared for battle. I am light, purposeful. I am aimed. I feel the tension, the pull, the preparation, the steady hand. I focus forward, forward. The air is crisp. The delivery will be intentional. The aim will be perfect. My archer is never distracted. My mind is clear. I breathe in.

I am released.


Forward I cut through my path.

Psalm 127:5

[If you have the soundtrack, play it from “Peril” on. You’ll get what I mean by all this. If you don’t have it, you won’t be disappointed. It’ll do so much for the way you envision your battle.]

[That sandwich was really good… but perhaps you’re wondering, ‘What was in those alfalfa sprouts?!?!’ …Just my unhindered imagination.]

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