Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Our Light

May 18, 2012—Our Light

I asked you today, “When did you know you loved me?”

When I knew, thinking back, it was like Norah learning something new

One day, it was just who I was now, hard to imagine before that

It was all leading up to you

To us

To her

That bounce in your walk

Your inability to hide your joy when I ran up to you

That confidence you had that you say was so uncharacteristic

Watching you sit at a piano

Hearing you sit with your guitar

Our first exchange with those cords

Laying against you, head on your chest, and your arm around me

Smiling, laughing, joking, kissing in the pitch black and pouring rain

We already knew each other before we met


I wonder if our mothers ever walked past each other while we were in their bellies

Every detail I think back on, was planned, just for us

For me to be there when you were there

For me to know him and for you to know him

Every detail

To prove a oneness

To give hope

To be light

To be salt

It was all leading up to this

To us

To her

To share The Beauty

To give light

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