Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some things Just Don't Work Quite Right

A pregnant brain.

A mommy brain.

Romantic birthday dinners... + infant.

Spell check when your grammar is no good.

2 am baby bottles full of coffee.

Strapless bras.


Attempting to be energy-efficient in the desert.

Husband’s ability to stay awake after his favorite... ahem, activity.


Teaching your kid to say please and always giving the thing to him if he does.

Giving cat a bath.

Microwaving leftovers in the silverware drawer.

Not pinning/distracting curious baby hands while changing her poo poo diapy.

Getting angry at Oreos for being so delicious.

Running out of butter.

Using the lint roller on the cat because you can’t afford Clariton.

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