Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Friday, January 6, 2012

When You're Wrong

In a debate or general disagreement it’s obnoxiously uncommon to have both sides be objective, considerate, and calm. Debates usually fire us up because we just know there is something brilliant we know that our “rival” doesn’t. And most people seem to have to state it with condescending disdain …speaking down to the other like this discussion is a joke and a waste of time, when in fact, it’s probably a key component in the harsh-speaker’s very livelihood. This person probably fears ridicule. He fears being wrong more than he fears his mother standing over him with a hot frying pan after he just tipped her china cabinet. He’s probably said he’s sorry just as many times as he’s said he’s wrong.

There are a few things every person with a viable opinion should know. Once you become an accuser or a name-caller, you are exclaiming D.O.R… essentially disqualifying yourself. What you’ve said thus far in the discussion becomes nil because you’ve shown that your emotions are hot and volatile. If you walk into a debate, walk into it with thought, with consideration. Know that one of you doesn’t necessarily have to be right. That’s the beauty of humanity. And usually the root of the vice of humanity. Discussion is the point. Conviction is the point. Walk away if your first thought is, “This guy’s a moron”. Walk away if your pride is more important to you than your growth.

1 comment:

  1. Great points! I'll debate with you any day, if we ever disagree ;)
