Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Good Grief!

Earlier today Curtis and I were coming up with bumper stickers for the angry drivers everywhere. It helps relieve the feeling like that we are going undeniabley nuts. We don't fit it here. It's painfully obvious. But, we do our best to make it fun to be the sore thumbs.

Sometime during our routine childhood vaccinations, each babe should be given a large dose of patience. It's ridiculous how much we are lacking in this character department. Why are we taking our time and ourselves so seriously?! ...At the expense of someone else's safety or time or happiness, too!? Do you actually enjoy grief?

Here's what you've got, and you're still pissed off:

**A modern engineering marvel harnessing a fascinating realm of natural phenomena and resources, with all or most of the following...

-A temperature control system.

-Glass protection from the elements, creatures, and fumes.

-A frame and additional components made to withstand great impact to protect you from injury.

-A system to play your choice of music, radio, books, educational lessons, etc.

-Engineered straps and self-deploying bags to protect you in the case of your (or another's) mistake.

-Storage space for your food and things to be brought to your home.

-Additional seats for your friends or family, or a cancer patient without the luxury of a vehicle or their health that needs to be transported to their treatments.

-Insurance to protect you financially in the event of an incident.

-A specific place to put and protect your vehicle when it's not in use.

-The ability to drive a short distance to find more of a non-renewable resource for your mechanical beast to burn in order to operate.

-Nearly flawless, paved roads to drive on.

-Lights, lines, signs, rails, bumps, turnouts, and lanes to maintain order, safety, and efficiency.

-An education about how to operate your machine safely and legally.

-A test to prove you've completed training safely and legally and are fully aware of the rules and laws.

-The privilege to drive.

-The freedom to go anywhere you desire.

-The ability to choose to donate your organs if something were to happen to you.

"Everything is not enough for me."

"Be more stressed out. It'll make you a better person."

"I'm better than you. Was that not clear?"

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