Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Being cool

I've just discovered that being cool is HUGE--bigger than just self-assuredness and clout. Being cool has innumerable social and economic implications... effects all levels of society, permeates all generations (my grandma's hella cool--and "hella" is a cool word), and of course, makes everything sexy. This feeling has to be one of the major causes of accidents (if not the only reason). Being cool, if you think about it really, almost always leads to being not-cool. Oh, what a a tender, fickle (not to mention seriously ridiculous... oh, and EXPENSIVE) state-of-being.

Drinking is cool. So is drinking too much, which results, most of the time, in unpleasant situations- i.e. being tardy and smelly to class, realizing how not cleaning the toilet was a mistake when your face has to hang out in there for a few hours, not remembering how and when the sharpie doodles became a new part of your face, wasting your parents' hard-earned money which they have been saving for your college since they were newlyweds and you were a mere twinkle, and of course anything involving a vehicle. When the math is done here, on drinking, turns out... not too cool. Your call though.

Technology is cool. Okay. So you're lost in God's lovely no-where and wishing you had a GPS, or better yet, an iPhone or Blackberry with a GPS app (super-selling point, I've recently learned, at AT&T). But you have neither. You do have a state/city map and the ability to call a friend BUT the map is waaaay to impossible to fold back up and you don't want anyone to know you're lost because then they will tell you what you already know--that you need GPS. Do you NEED GPS? Do you NEED more stuff? I see technology making people angry. I see technology costing A LOT of money. I also see technology spoiling us to the point at which our "it's possible" mentalities become deep, insatiable entitlement issues. Of course most tech gadgets have their benefits, but to me... it's a distraction, it's expensive, and it's just too cool. And cool leads to trouble. (Do we really KNOW that a cell-phone plastered to the side of our face or in the pocket next to your baby-makin' stuff for decades is okay for us? Who cares... it's cool.)

Have I offended you yet?

Racy clothes are cool. Man, I just don't want to elaborate. Please put those away, my husband is TRYING. Thanks.

Cars. And driving fast. Yikes. A car came off the road and down the ravine just in front of our building, feet away from our (and our neighbors') front door. He was being fast and cool. I hope he was okay. His car did not look okay. Everyone was outside watching... not cool.

Be careful with your coolness. It can easily become something you don't like. It'll turn you to the dark side ;o)

<--- Awesome
<--- Sick
<--- Tight
<--- Rad
<--- Sweeeeet
<--- Tubular
<--- Rockin
<--- Righteous
<--- Swell
<--- Off the hook
<--- Savage
<--- Hot
<--- Clutch
<--- Chill
<--- Phat

1 comment:

  1. Great write girly! I think that as long as you don't know you're cool, or care if anyone ELSE knows you're cool, it's ok. Right? Miss you Jilly!
