Start by being kind. All the best things take root from there.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Part of the fun of being alive is remembering what you done and how good you’ve got it. I have a friend who always likes to recap what happened that day or that week, whether it was particularly “special” or not. I love this about him—you know who you are ;o) Personally, I keep a half-size notebook in my purse for when inspiration strikes, when something extraordinarily funny, clever, ironic or awkward happens, or for just jotting down what the day was like. Remembering the regular, day-to-day is just as important as the planned-to-be-awesome days. If we really hold still, shut up for a minute and think about it, chances are our day was quite lovely. I know mine usually was. Curtis pulls the good out of just about anything and everything—and OH! how it can drive me nuts!! But I actually do love this about him. It’s those times when I’m in the heat of the moment of my pity party or unleashed bluster about people and their “tar tar-ness” (as my brother calls it) that his positive, “see it from their perspective” stuff gnaws at my bones. Then, like I’ve mentioned rather frankly before, comes my wave (tsunami?) of guilt. I don’t like that Jill, she’s pretty much a Knucklehead McSpazitron…maybe even a Cottonheaded Ninnymuggins. I feel a lot of sadness for the angry guy behind me that wanted me to run the yellow so he could run the red. He hits the steering wheel with both hands (I can almost see the steam beginning to bellow from his ears), then tosses those boiling-blooded limbs into the air whilst simultaneously yelling “COME OOON!!!!” The whites of his eyes turn a jaundiced yellow while the horns tear through his perfectly cut and styled SportsClips hair. His cheeks turn witch’s apple red and his heartbeat (now tachycardic) is visible through my rearview mirror. Poor fellow. Should I have risked my daughter’s and my life so the unfortunate Sir didn’t suffer from a premature myocardial infarction at the humdrum intersection of Dobson and Chandler? After my initial shock at his volatile reaction, I remember that this happens all too often (hmm…maybe I’m a bad driver), then I feel bad for him, then… then I kinda giggle (evil Jill rears her head). I’m not too excited about risking a ticket, and don’t have the horsepower to potentially cheat death. On my day-to-day, particularly when the heat of this state makes anger erupt so quickly, I have to remember to tell myself to CALM THE WHICKITY WACK DOWN WOMAN! It’s not worth it. Being pissed off often ‘cause “everything sucks right now!” is the lamest excuse. Let’s find another emotion to sub in here, and let all this anger ride the pine pony for the rest of the game. I’d rather remember how it all worked out…how it’s all pretty dang good.